Where Have You Gone Joe Dimaggio ?

American politics could use more candidates like Senator Bernie Sanders. He may be the last true gentleman to be in that arena.

I am not offering an opinion on who you should vote for in this Presidential election but Senator Sanders has conducted his campaign with an uncommon civility not seen anywhere else this year.

He has refused to run negative advertisements against either of the opponents he has faced in the contest for the Democratic Party nomination. He has repeatedly refused to criticize Hillary Clinton on the issue of her private e-mail server.

When it is apparent that she is more knowledgeable about an issue, particularly in the area of foreign affairs, he has readily acknowledged it. He treats his opponents with respect and has displayed a dignity throughout the debates and town hall gatherings consistently.

The contest for the Republican Party nomination appears to be little more than a demolition derby with Donald Trump driving the biggest car. He called Mexicans “rapists and criminals.” He has called for a ban on all Muslims entering the country. He has insulted African-Americans, the disabled, his opponents, the media and anyone else that draws his ire. Just as disappointing, his fellow Republican opponents have remained mute during his verbal assaults on Mexicans, Muslims and other immigrant groups, particularly the two who celebrate their own immigrant stories, Rubio and Cruz.

Equally refreshing is Sanders refusal to employ his own super-Pac. The United States Supreme Court, in its infinite wisdom, has allowed the electoral process to become a cesspool by its dubious holdings that corporations enjoy the same rights as people and that the unregulated, undisclosed sources of vast sums of money somehow constitute the exercise of free speech. As a result, for the rest of this year you might be afraid to turn your television on due to the commercials you might see.

I don’t know who will ultimately prevail in either nominating contest but Sanders deportment throughout this process is a breath of fresh air.

3 thoughts on “Where Have You Gone Joe Dimaggio ?”

  1. He certainly is. The fact that he is a breath of fresh air to so many young people he has lured into involvement gives me hope. If his hints that Elizabeth Warren could be his running mate are true, the Dream Team would be born! SHE is the Right Woman to be in the White House!
    Joe thinks Hillary would pick Terry McCauliffe.

    1. I’m intrigued by the prospective VP prospects. If Senator Sanders took Elizabeth Warren, it would defy historical wisdom (not necessarily a bad thing) because it would give you a ticket with running mates from adjoining states (no geographical or regional balance and no ideological balance.) If Joe is right and Clinton took Terry McAuliffe (Full disclosure-He’s my cousin), she’d be open to the criticism that she’s picked someone to whom she is historically beholden to politically and financially. I don’t have a clue who either would pick for a running mate. On the Republican side, My guess is that whoever is the Presidential nominee, the Vice-Presidential candidate will be Mullah Omar.

  2. In reply to admin.
    I’m intrigued by the prospective VP prospects. If Senator Sanders took Elizabeth Warren, it would defy historical wisdom (not necessarily a bad thing) because it would give you a ticket with running mates from adjoining states (no geographical or regional balance and no ideological balance.) If Joe is right and Clinton took Terry McAuliffe (Full disclosure-He’s my cousin), she’d be open to the criticism that she’s picked someone to whom she is historically beholden to politically and financially. I don’t have a clue who either would pick for a running mate. On the Republican side, My guess is that whoever is the Presidential nominee, the Vice-Presidential candidate will be Mullah Omar.

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