Boots On The Ground

Have you ever noticed that when politicians advocate putting “boots on the ground” in a combat zone, it’s always someone else’s boots? Never their own.
This has become increasingly evident during this 2016 Presidential campaign as the candidates try to outdo one another in appearing the most forceful about getting “boots on the ground.”
A look at all of the candidates in both parties reveal that while many could have been called, few chose to go. (Sorry about the Biblical analogy).
Donald Trump could have served in Vietnam but suffered from plantar fasciitis. He hasn’t disclosed which foot was afflicted. Ben Carson and Jeb Bush were also at an age when they could have served in Vietnam but for unknown reasons did not. All three of them advocate sending troops to battle ISIS
Governor Chris Christie, Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio could have served in the first Gulf War in 1991 but apparently chose not to. All three of them advocate sending troops to fight ISIS.
On the Democratic side, Bernie Sanders could have served in Vietnam but did not. To be fair, he does not advocate sending troops to any combat zones. Hillary Clinton’s position is somewhat nuanced. While she supports a No-Fly Zone in Syria, she does not favor putting boots on the ground. Her husband, former president, Bill Clinton, famously avoided the draft during the Vietnam War. Martin O’Malley was too young to have served in Vietnam and too old to have served in the First Gulf War. He too does not favor either a No-Fly Zone in Syria or committing American troops.
What can you take away from this?
The late columnist, Mike Royko, had a term he used to describe politicians who favored sending others to fight wars while they avoided it. He called them “war wimps.”
It would be interesting to see how those politicians who favor sending troops to combat zones would vote on a restoration of the Selective Service Draft that would encompass their children of both genders.
My guess is that they’d oppose it, while still advocating sending other people’s children to bear the burden they avoided.
I’m not sure which candidate in either party is going to win the caucuses in Iowa tomorrow night but this bears thinking about as we head into the November 2016 election.

One thought on “Boots On The Ground”

  1. I feel the passion you speak of, especially after you had a good friend to serve in the war.
    I listened so often to my dad & uncles about war, had friends serve in different conflicts and admired their commitment. One thing all of them discovered is “War Is Hell” and No War has solved much. The beat goes on.
    I just said last night perhaps our “Commander In Chief” should only be one who Has served in combat. Then the game may change. (And they should know of Dalton Trumbo’s powerful book, “Johnny Got His Gun!”

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